ORIENTVILLE  the cattery of Orientals and Siamese
 We have NO available kittens at the moment! Irina Dzhetymova : :

Orientville's Pocahontas

Orientville's Pocahontas (SIA h 21)

SIA h 21 (chocolate-torbie)
DOB: 05.03.2013
Breeder/Owner: Irina Dzhetymova

Litter: "T"



We call her a Konfetka (en. Candy) because of her sweetest temper and look. She was born in our cattery from my beloved "grandson" Over (Over 9000 Alien Invasion) and especial wonderful girl Feya (en. Fairy) (Feya Lechatori). This mating was an experiment mostly, and I'm happy that my calculations was right. So I expect the best results from Konfeta, too.

Genetic code: ww Oo bb Dd cscs Aa

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